Specialized Legal Services:

Protecting and advising land freight transport companies and customs

Our services

Welcome to Grillo Correa Consultorías S.A.S, your trusted legal partner for land freight transportation companies. Our firm specializes in offering a wide range of legal services designed to protect and strengthen your business in a legally complex environment.

Juridical consulting

We provide expert advice in key areas such as transport, customs and insurance, both in person and virtually. From clearance management to dispute resolution, we are here to protect your interests.


We offer training programs tailored to your needs, both in-person and virtual, to strengthen your team’s skills in specialized legal topics.

Qualifications, Registrations and Authorizations

We take care of all the necessary procedures with the Ministry of Transport, the DIAN and other entities, guaranteeing regulatory compliance and the operation of your company.

ALSP Services

Como proveedores alternativos de servicios legales, proporcionamos soluciones flexibles y orientadas a resultados para satisfacer tus necesidades legales de manera eficiente y efectiva.

Customs consultancy

We handle customs queries, facilitating the foreign trade process for you by responding to issues regarding import, export, customs transit, multimodal transport, among others, developing concepts that allow us to resolve concerns about your operation and/or presenting defenses before the National Tax and Customs Directorate-DIAN by virtue of official liquidation or sanctioning procedures against your organization.


We are a firm made up of lawyers specialized in consulting for companies that are dedicated to carrying out and guaranteeing foreign trade operations, analyzing and suggesting adjustments to the processes of the logistics chain in order to protect their commercial operations and their legal effects.


By the end of 2024, Grillo Correa Consultoría, through organizational well-being and the execution of efficient processes, will achieve the balance and growth that will lead to the fulfillment of internal goals and the satisfaction of its clients.

The company


The company was created in 2014 to provide COMPREHENSIVE CONSULTANCY in customs law, transportation and insurance to all those involved in foreign trade operations, such as transporters, importers, exporters, freight forwarders, customs agents, insurers, etc., combining the legal and operational perspectives.

Our clients


Find tips and current news about the freight transport sector, which will be very useful to you.

Contact us, we can be a great ally for you.


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